Make Green
Develop Energy-Efficient Free & Open Source Software

Measure Software Energy Use
Free & Open Source Software has always been about transparency – let's extend that transparency to software's energy demands.
Jakizu gehiago
Read the KDE Eco Handbook
"Applying The Blue Angel Criteria To Free Software" details how to eco-certify software and why it matters.
Jakizu gehiago
Prepare Scripts to Measure Energy Use
Energy consumption measurements require a scripted and replicable workflow of actions.
Jakizu gehiago
Measure Your Software's Energy Use
Setting up a lab is as easy as buying an external power meter and following the lab setup guide in the KDE Eco handbook. KEcoLab makes the process even easier by enabling developers to remotely measure the energy consumption of their software using GitLab's CI/CD pipeline. What's more, at the end of the measurement process you will have an energy consumption report ready for Blue Angel eco certification.
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Use the KDE Eco Handbook
The handbook "Applying The Blue Angel Criteria To Free Software" gives an overview of the environmental harm driven by software and how the Blue Angel ecolabel — the official environmental label of the German government — provides a benchmark for sustainable software design. Learn how Free & Open Source Software's values of transparency and user autonomy foster sustainability, as well as how to set up a dedicated lab to measure your software's energy consumption.
Irakurri gehiago
Prepare Scripts to Measure Energy Use
Emulate user behavior for easy replication of your measurements. That's good science! KdeEcoTest and KdeEcoTestCreator are Python-based tools designed for reproducing computer actions by simulating keyboard and mouse activity. The tools work on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows.
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