
Blue Angel Award Ceremony At EnviroInfo Conference: Okular Officially Receives Eco-Label, First Ever For Software Product

28 iraila 2022 | Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
Kategoriak: Okular, Blauer Engel, Sari banaketa ekitaldia, EnviroInfo Konferentzia, Jasangarritasuna
On Wednesday 28 September Okular celebrated becoming the first Blue Angel eco-certified software product together with the German Environment Agency ('Umweltbundesamt'), the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld ('Umwelt Campus Birkenfeld'), and the EnviroInfo conference researchers and attendees. [Updated on Friday, 7 October 2022 for Okular's celebration at Akademy 2022 with KDE Eco cake.]

Inoiz eko-ziurtatu den leheneko programa informatikoa: KDEren «Okular» PDF irakurle ezaguna

16 martxoa 2022 | Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
Kategoriak: Okular, Blauer Engel, Eko-labelak emateko sare globala, Jasangarritasuna
Okularrek Blue Angel eko-labela jaso duela iragartzeko prentsa-oharra.